Breed Standard

Chinese Crested

General Appearance - A small, active and graceful dog; medium- to fine-boned, smooth hairless body, with hair on feet, head and tail only; or covered with a soft veil of hair.

Characteristics - Two distinct types of this breed; Deer type, racy and fine boned, and Cobby type, heavier in body and bone.

Temperament - Happy, never vicious.

Head and Skull - Slightly rounded and elongated skull. Cheeks cleanly chiselled, lean and flat, tapering into muzzle. Stop slightly pronounced but not extreme. Head smooth, without excess wrinkles. Distance from base of skull to stop equal to distance from stop to tip of nose. Muzzle tapering slightly but never pointed, lean without flews. Nose a prominent feature, narrow in keeping with muzzle. Any colour nose acceptable. Head presenting graceful appearance, with alert expression. Lips tight and thin. An ideal crest begins at the stop and tapers off down neck. Long and flowing crest preferred, but sparse acceptable.

Eyes - So dark as to appear black. Little or no white showing. Medium size, almond in shape. Set wide apart.

Ears - Set low: highest point of base of ear level with outside corner of eye. Large and erect, with or without fringe, except in Powder Puffs where drop ears are permissible.

Mouth - Jaws strong, with perfect, regular scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.

Neck - Lean, free from throatiness, long and sloping gracefully into strong shoulders. When moving, carried high and slightly arched.

Forequarters - Shoulders clean, narrow and well laid back. Legs long and slender, set well under body. Elbows held close to body. Pasterns fine, strong, nearly vertical. Toes turned neither in nor out.

Body - Medium to long. Supple. Chest rather broad and deep, not barrel-ribbed. Breast bone not prominent. Brisket extending to elbows; moderate tuck-up.

Hindquarters - Rump well rounded and muscular, loins taut, stifles firm and long, sweeping smoothly into the well let down hocks. Angulation of the rear limbs must be such as to produce a level back. Hind legs set wide apart.

Feet - Extended hare-foot, narrow and long. Nails any colour, moderately long. Socks ideally confined to toes, but not extending above top of pastern. Feet turning neither in nor out.

Tail - Set high, carried up or out when in motion. Long and tapering, fairly straight, not curled or twisted to either side, falling naturally when at rest. Plume long and flowing, confined to lower two-thirds of tail. Sparse plume acceptable.

Gait/Movement - Long, flowing and elegant with good reach and plenty of drive.

Coat - No large patches of hair anywhere on body. Skin fine-grained, smooth, warm to the touch. In Powder Puffs coat consists of an undercoat with soft veil of long hair, veil coat a feature.

Colour - Any colour or combination of colours.

Size - Ideal height in dogs: 28-33 cms (11-13 ins) at withers; bitches: 23-30 cms (9-12 ins) at withers. Weight varies considerably, but should not be over 5.4 kgs (12 lbs).

Faults - Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

Note - Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Mexican Hairless

General Appearance - Complete or almost complete lack of hair, with a smooth and soft skin. Body slightly longer than high. Females may be slightly longer than males.

Characteristics - A quiet and tranquil dog.

Temperament - Happy, alert and intelligent, a good companion. Aloof with strangers.

Head and Skull - Viewed from above the skull is wide, strong and clean with a slightly defined occipital crest. Slight but definite stop and tapering straight muzzle with moderately developed cheeks. Nose dark in dark coloured dogs, brown or rose in blonde and bronze coloured dogs and spotted in spotted dogs. Lips tight.

Eyes - Medium sized and almond shaped. Colour varies according to skin colour, ranging from black, through shades of brown, to amber and yellow, but as dark as possible preferred.

Ears - Always erect, carried obliquely. Long, large, of delicate texture and very elegant.

Mouth - Jaws strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.

Neck - Rather long, slightly arched and very elegant. Skin tight and firm.

Forequarters - Shoulders well laid back with flat muscles.  Good angulation between shoulder and upper arm. Elbows strong and held close to the chest, never turning outward. Straight legs of good length.

Body - Strong build. Back level and perfectly straight with strong, well muscled loin. Chest deep and long reaching to the elbows. Moderately arched ribs carried well back. Gentle tuck up.

Hindquarters - Sloping croup with rounded rump which is solid and muscular. Well angulated. Hindlegs well muscled and straight, set apart.

Feet - Long and compact with tufted hair. Pads strong and resilient. Nails black in black dogs, lighter coloured in bronze or blonde dogs.

Tail - Long, thin and tapering from the base to the tip. When moving, held in a curve but never touching the back. At rest, hangs with a hook at the end.

Gait/Movement - Moves with long, free and elegant strides. At a fast trot, the head and tail held high.

Coat - Hairless although there are some tufts of harsh hair on the forehead and back of the neck that may be any colour but should not reach great length. It is common to find hairs on the feet and end of the tail.

Colour - Solid, uniform and dark colours are preferable. Black, dark grey, red, liver, bronze and blonde. There are also spotted dogs of any colour including white spots.

Size Miniature: 25-35cms (9.75-13.75ins)

        Intermediate: 36-45cms (14.25-17.75ins)

        Standard: 46-60cms (18-23.5ins)

Faults - Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

Note - Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.